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What's Got Greens?

Operating in Bristol, we are a not-for-profit regenerative farm project that places a strong emphasis on food growing and wildlife conservation. We're driven by our commitment to the planet, ensuring that the well-being of our local community and biodiversity takes precedence over financial concerns or the pursuit of profits. Our status as a registered Community Interest Company (CIC) holds us to this.

Our mission is to inspire others to take urgent action to aid nature recovery and tackle climate change.

All of our activities link back to our three pillars:

Biodiversity: Regenerating our land will increase biodiversity and play a small but important role in improving local air quality. We want to encourage and re-establish our native species; rewilding our land.

We're building a community space that brings people together to work with the land and encourages the sharing of skills and knowledge from local experts. Provide access to nature, outdoor learning areas, and dedicated wellbeing spaces. 

Food Sovereignty: With the cost of living increasing, we want to increase local resilience and food sovereignty by providing affordable access to quality, chemical-free food grown using sustainable methods. We also want to inspire others to do the same. 



We've got loads of different activities going on at the farm. Our job list changes from season to season, so there is always something new to be done!

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Land Management activities that take care of the land and natural resources on site. This includes:

  • Planting trees (over 400 to date!)

  • Managing our coppice

  • Creating and maintaining trails

  • Removing invasive species

  • Conducting surveys

Wildlife Monitoring, through:

  • Observing and recording the behaviour, presence, and health of wildlife on the farm

  • Monitor the effects of habitat loss and climate change

  • Assess the success of our conservation and rewilding efforts


Building a community space, by:

  • Preserving and improving our beautiful and serene green space

  • Facilitating volunteering activities

  • Building a classroom and farm HQ

  • Hosting courses and workshops

  • Building an outdoor kitchen including a cob pizza oven - built using clay from our very own land!

  • Providing a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Social Impact Monitoring; a valuable tool to help us to better understand the needs of our community and ensure that our programs are making a positive difference. 


Food growing activities, that provide affordable access to food grown using sustainable methods, while inspiring others to do the same, including:

  • Establishing a wildlife friendly market garden, with over 600m2 of growing space!

  •  Sharing knowledge and expertise on no-dig growing beds, sowing seeds, transplanting seedlings and harvesting fresh produce.

  • Building a permaculture herb garden, including a herb spiral and seating area

  • Sharing our harvest with volunteers and supporters

Our coppice trees have been donated by the Woodland Trust, generously funded by their lead partners Sainsbury's, Lloyds Bank, OVO Energy, Bank of Scotland and Sofology.



The Green Team

The Green Team

We each bring different skills and experience to the project and are passionate about making small scale regenerative farming cool. We're all about being:

  • Good for people: Everyone should have access to information, training and resources that enable them to grow, buy, cook, and enjoy good food.

  • Good for places: We all should support and value food enterprises who promote local jobs, prosperity and diversity, and treat workers well.

  • Good for the planet: Food should be produced, processed, distributed and disposed of in ways that benefit nature.


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